Item # S007899
Nova Scotia 5
1858 (October 9) Brownish orange envelope from Amherst to Massachusetts via the overland route through Saint John, bearing a beautiful example of the elusive 6p dark green on bluish wove paper, ample to large margined with exceptionally fresh colour, tied by light, centrally struck oval mute grid, Amherst OC 9 dispatch on reverse, neat St. John New Brunswick OC 13 1858 transit and border exchange office circular PAID 10 (cents) handstamp in red; minor edge flaws to cover away from stamp, small part of backflap missing, Fine. The key 6p dark green stamp is unusually choice and Very Fine; clear 2019 Greene Foundation certificate (Unitrade 5; catalogue value $5,000) ex. The "Geranium" Collection of Nova Scotia (Pilkington), SG Auctions, December 1986; Lot 767
Interestingly enough the earliest recorded usage of the 6p dark green to the United States, is October 2, 1858.