Item # S007678
Canada 36, 38a
1877 (July 17) Neat cover from South Zorra, Ontario to Kandy, Ceylon (British East Indies), an outstanding franking consisting of two pairs of 5c olive green and a single 2c green Montreal printings perf 11½x12, tied by grid cancels; peripheral flaws due to placement on cover, clear South Zorra split ring dispatch and red London Paid 31 JY 77 transit at left, manuscript "8" in red crayon denoting British claim; on reverse Woodstock JY 18, Hamilton JY 18 transits and red Kandy Paid AU 24 77 CDS on arrival. A fabulous 22c pre-UPU cover to Ceylon, Very Fine (Unitrade 36, 38a)
Pays the 20 cent letter rate via the Brindisi route (effective April 1877 until August 1878) plus the 2 cent Cunard Surtax for mail via New York.
Expertization: 2019 Greene Foundation certificate (mentions #38 as 2 singles and one pair)